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Mr. Cool and the Good Humor Man

A fable...

There once lived a man named Michael Cool. Michael was gregarious, outgoing and self-assured. You might say he was Mr. Cool. Michael moved through life with ease, confident in his job, his intellect, and his capacity to handle life’s challenges. 

When Michael learned of an online Ham Course he sensed a challenge and quickly signed up. Michael lacked a background in electronics and found the course daunting, but he persevered and seven weeks later received his Amateur Radio Certificate.  

Michael proudly hung his certificate and prepared to enter the world of amateur radio. He charged his handheld, read his manual, and turned the power knob. Heart pounding, Michael’s thumb edged closer to the transmit button - but Michael couldn’t push the PTT. 

For the first time he felt the grip of terror. Michael was dejected and crestfallen and his friends soon took to calling him Mike Fright.

Confidence shattered, Michael became a recluse seldom venturing beyond his bedroom door. This tortured soul spent hours listening to local nets never daring to announce his call sign.

One day Michael heard The Good Humor Man outside his window. His love of ice cream took hold and before long he was devouring a Good Humor Bar. 

Then a strange thing happened. Michael felt his transmit terror draining from his body. He began to laugh. Uproariously. At himself! 

Try as he might, Michael couldn’t remember what he was afraid of. Yes, dear readers, Michael was ready to transmit! 


New Hams: Your fear of transmitting is unfounded. Monsters do not lurk in the 2-meter shadows. The airwaves are filled with helpful and friendly hams like yourself. Amateur Radio is meant to be a fun and light-hearted hobby. So if anxiety rears its ugly head – don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself and if necessary conquer your fears with a healthy dose of humor. 

Like Michael did. 

Like I did.

~ Larry VE7LXB

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